Epic failures in the BNP 2010 campaign…

28th April 2010CE

Just a very quick post to say that I’m still alive and doing well, and that I havn’t forgotten about my ‘Blog at all…I’ve just been so bloody busy over these past couple of months, I havn’t had the time for writing any more weblogs! 😦

At any rate, I just thought I’d share the following scan-in of a BNP flyer that dropped through a mates letterbox the other day in the Erewash Valley, East Mids. When ye look at the surprising number of typographical and other assorted errors on this piece of election material, you can’t help but spot the truth that BNP candidates talk right out of their arses… 😉

Composite scan of BNP flyer with errors highlighted
View larger: Small (98Kb), Medium (142Kb), Original (646Kb)

Farewell, and hope to be back on a regular basis again soon! 🙂
+++ DieselDragon +++